Based on respect for human rights and dignity, we promote the creation of workplaces where employees can work with peace of mind and mental and physical health, and an environment and systems within which employees can demonstrate their creativity and spirit of challenge while feeling job satisfaction and pride in their work.
Approach to Human Resources Strategy
The first is to improve infrastructure. This includes respecting human rights and providing a pleasant work conditions, in order to maximize human resources and improve the work environment.Specifically, we will take steps to prevent harassment, encourage teamwork, and prioritize health and safety for employees.
The second is business growth. This means promoting the growth of our human resources and provide skill development and career support. In addition, we will promote the transformation of our corporate culture to one that encourages challenge.
By taking these two steps, we aim to increase engagement. We will continuously measure and improve our employee engagement. We will also emphasize diversity and inclusion, recognizing the differences among all people and creating a psychologically safe work environment where everyone can fulfill their potential. In this way, we aim to enhance the well-being of our employees and the value of our company.

Respect for Human Rights
Human Rights Policy Formulation
Implementation of Human Rights Surveys
In FY2023, as in the previous year, we conducted a human rights questionnaire, mainly on harassment in the Code of Conduct self-inspection. The results of the surveys were shared with the Human Resources Department to confirm the facts through hearings and other means, and efforts are being made to raise awareness of psychological safety and human rights, establishing a consultation service, and other initiatives. We also conduct questionnaires at overseas entities in the same manner as in Japan, and promote awareness-raising activities during morning meetings and through periodic education.
In FY2024, based on the stakeholder engagement described below, we conducted e-learning on human rights and included a more in-depth harassment and discrimination topic in the domestic action guideline self-assessment.
Upon the development of our “Human Rights Policy”, in order to raise awareness of human rights within the Group and to put into practice the creation of a corporate culture of respect for human rights, we conduct awareness-raising and educational activities to promote proper understanding of those rights and ensure that information is shared throughout the company.
In FY2023, we worked to promote and instill awareness of respect for human rights by continuing to provide human rights education through e-learning as in the previous year, and by conducting awareness and education to create a group-wide culture of respect for human rights, including harassment education for those promoted to management and supervisory positions.
Engagement with Experts and stakeholders on Human Rights
The company formulated its “Human Rights Policy” in February 2021 and is promoting efforts to respect human rights. Consequently, in order to grasp global human rights issues and share them among promotion members, on January 31, 2022, we held an online workshop and dialogue with lawyer Junko Watanabe, who is active globally as a human rights lawyer, and lawyer Akiko Sato, who is active as Deputy Secretary General of the human rights NGO Human Rights Now, in accordance with the international norms of the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”
The two leaders provided guidance on things like the importance of taking a stakeholder’s perspective and the importance of conducting risk analysis, setting priorities and implementing initiatives across organizations and groups.
In addition, in October and December 2022, the Corporate Planning Department of parent company in Japan and management of subsidiary in Thailand participated for two days each in the Business and Human Rights Academy training program conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the support of the Japanese government to deepen their learning. In March 2023, one-on-one meetings were held with Ms. Vanessa Zimmerman (representative of Pillar Two, drafting team for the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) and Ms. Emi Sugawara (professor at Osaka University of Economics and Law and head of the Global Compact Research Center). They provided specific advice on our human rights policy and human rights due diligence, including the importance of stakeholder engagement and the effectiveness of using a combination of questionnaires and a Grievance Mechanism.
In FY2024, during our materiality revision process, we are conducting engagement meetings with our stakeholders as part of our human rights due diligence. This includes working as a team to identify and compile risks of human rights violations throughout the value chain, as well as engaging with stakeholders (a labor union, women, people with disabilities, foreign nationals, temporary workers, and a supplier) to address these risks. Based on the results of these efforts, we will strive to prevent human rights violations in the future by identifying human rights risks and keeping our human rights policy up to date.
Safety and Health Policy
The Safety and Health of Employees
In addition, a Health and Safety Committee has been established to investigate and deliberate on basic measures to prevent worker hazards and health problems, and labor and management work together to address these issues.
Health and safety risks are assessed at each workplace and prioritized to promote activities to reduce risks.
Human Resource Development
In FY2023, we reinforced risk assessment and safety practice training as part of our initiatives for employee safety. The number of employees to be trained was increased to 206 from 43 in the previous year, and safety training is also provided to all temporary employees upon hiring. We will further strengthen these efforts to achieve zero accidents.
Equipment Safety Measures
Providing Proper Work Environments

Health Management
In 2005, we launched our “Work-life Balance” initiative, and since becoming the first workplace to be registered with the Gifu Labor Bureau’s “Hatsu Ratsu Workplace Creation Declaration” in 2006, we have been promoting the mental and physical health of our employees in specific and continuous ways. Placing importance on the health of our employees as the basis for the performance of our human resources, we reaffirmed this position in September 2021 in the Pacific
Industrial Group Health Declaration, and are continuing with our health management efforts.In November 2023, we had a health booth at the Wai-Wai Festa, an in-house event being held for the first time in three years, where we measured the bone density of visitors and provided them with health advice based on the results. We also worked to improve literacy by providing opportunities for healthy people to become more aware, as well as e-learning and health information on various topics.
In March 2024, we were recognized for the third consecutive year as an Excellent Health Management Corporation (Large Corporation Category) in recognition of our efforts to prevent illness among employees, address lifestyle-related diseases,address mental health issues, and help employees return to work or balance their work and medical treatment.

Pacific Industrial Group Health Declaration
We believe that sustainable growth of the company will be achieved when all employees are physically and mentally healthy and able to demonstrate their individuality and abilities to create new value.
In order to realize our Purpose of "passion in creating tomorrow," we will promote the creation of psychologically safe workplaces where new ideas and challenges are valued, and try to create an environment where all colleagues can work healthily and vigorously, with satisfaction in their job and happiness in their lives.
October 2023
Tetsushi Ogawa
President, Member of the Board
Pacific Industrial Co., Ltd.
Building of Mental and Physical Health
As part of our efforts to improve mental health, we facilitate consultation with public health nurses and nurses based on the results of stress checks and interview guidance with industrial physicians for employees who want it, and are working on the improvement of workplaces. For employees who work long hours with 45 hours or more overtime per month, if they wish, or at the discretion of the industrial physician, they are interviewed by an industrial physician to understand problems in the workplace and duties. We strive to proactively prevent, early detection and early care for mental health problem.
Stable Employment and Decent Work Environment
Improving Employee Engagement
Our PURPOSE, “Passion in Creating Tomorrow,” is aimed to empower each of our employees to create new value by maximizing their individual strengths in order to build a sustainable future. To achieve this goal, it is essential that we increase employee engagement. We conducted our first engagement survey in November 2023, the results of which were used to formulate management objectives.
Going forward, we will focus on four key initiatives as we aim to become a company where everyone can thrive and reach their potential.We have also begun to share the results of these surveys with employees and use them in discussions to increase engagement in each department and group, to create workplaces where employees can express their thoughts to each other, and address specific issues in individual workplaces.

Employee Engagement – Target Positive Response Rate
Results of first survey
To questions on 18 factors in 8 categories*1,
positive response rate*2 = 48.2%
*1 Management, business strategy, work style, supervisors, colleagues, work, growth opportunities, evaluation.
*2 Responder chose “Strongly agree” or “Agree” from the options “Strongly agree”, “Agree”, “Neither agree nor disagree”, “Do not agree”, “Strongly disagree”.
Setting target values
FY2026 = 60%, FY2030 = 70%

Creating a Decent Work Environment
In addition, since good human relationships are important for a decent work environment, we have expanded the workplace senior system, which assigns younger senior employees to new hires in the technical field as well as the staff field. In addition, we conduct personnel development by checking mental and physical health through pre-training for managers and supervisors at their assigned sites and by holding regular interviews with new employees.We also strive to create a workplace with a high level of psychological safety by holding regular informal discussions where employees can talk freely to management about their thoughts and feelings on their work, as well as any problems they face. We conduct psychological safety training for new managers and supervisors too.
As part of our support activities, we also continuously strive to improve the workplace environment from the perspectives of people, facilities, and environment.
Converting Non-Regular Employees into Regular Employees
We will keep actively trying to convert non-permanent employees into permanent employees in order to achieve continued growth.
Promoting Work-Life Balance
We implement a variety of measures to help employees balance a fulfilling personal life with job satisfaction and growth. Our target for annual paid leave is set at 12 days per year. We are working to ensure that this goal is met. In FY2023, the average rate of achievement of this goal was 100% for union members for the third year in a row.
In response to employee feedback, we are also expanding and reviewing our systems, including the establishment of a new fertility treatment leave program and the removal of restrictions on the number of half-day of paid leave.
We have introduced flexible work styles, such as encouraging the use of annual paid leave, reducing long working hours, ensuring rest periods through a work interval system, and using reduced working hours, staggered working hours, and a flextime system to support the balance with childcare or nursing care. Going forward, we will continue to strive to create an environment and culture that supports work-life balance, allows employees to easily take time off, and encourages healthily and energetic work.

Slogan of Work-Life Balance
- Family bonds and personal growth
- Workplace bonds and company growth
- Social bonds and regional development
Support for the Balancing of Work and Child-Rearing
Since the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children came into effect in 2005, the company has developed and expanded systems that support the balancing of work and family. Parental and nursing care leave periods are set at two years, which is above the legal standard. There is no limit on the number of changes, and systems have been established that allow employees to choose various work-styles in accordance with their individual life stages and circumstances.
We have received Kurumin certification every year since 2008 as a child-rearing company, and in July 2024, we received Platinum Kurumin certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company that supports the development of the next generation positively.

We are working on a “Parental Leave Support Program” to provide support before, during and after leave to employees who take parental leave, and working on the creation of an environment and culture in which the entire workplace supports childcare so that employees can raise their children with peace of mind and return to work smoothly.
In addition, we are also working positively on measures to support childcare, such as tie-ups with company-led daycare centers and registration as an excellent company for childcare with Gifu Prefecture.
Parental leave period | Until the child reaches 2 years of age |
Number of times parental leave can be taken | Leave can be taken and changed as many times as required |
Changes to work start and end times, staggered work hours | Until the child reaches elementary school age (60 minutes each per day) * Until the end of elementary school grade four based on conditions |
Benefit | Payment of “Parental leave allowance” by the company |
Development of Human Resources and Cultivation of Culture that We can Tackle New Endeavors
Human Resources Development Policy
Strengthen Education at Each Level
In addition, from FY2023,we have started providing new web-based learning materials offering learning opportunities anytime,anywhere, and to anyone. Courses have been selected for people at different levels, such as new hires or newly promoted employees, so that they can actively acquire the skills and knowledge that the company wants them to have during their working hours. We have also made it easier for motivated employees to take the first step toward learning by offering more generous subsidies for course fees and by starting courses on a quarterly bases. As a result of our efforts, the idea that it is natural to continue learning is becoming more widespread.
Learning Opportunities
Personnel System and Welfare
Personnel System
Diversity and Inclusion
Policies and Initiatives
Active Roles of Non-Japanese Employees
The group has set the target of increasing the ratio of non-Japanese managers to 53% or more by FY2030.
For foreign workers to understand, we have created foreign language versions of medical examination questionnaires in common areas, hygiene-related guidelines, training materials for new hires, work manuals, and other materials.
Employment of People with Disabilities
Ongoing Employment of the Elderly
Promotion of Women’s Activities
We believe that the further advancement of women is essential for a company's sustainable growth and corporate competitiveness, and are therefore hiring capable human resources regardless of gender, create a work environment that allows for diverse work styles, and promoting career education necessary for individual growth. Regarding the ratio of hiring female staff, we are working to increase it to at least 20% per year by March 2025, according to our Action Plan for the Advancement of Women. Our goal is to have 14% or more of the Group's total management positions filled by women by FY2030.
In addition, based on the view that men’s participation in childcare is necessary for women’s advancement, we support our male employees in taking childcare leave, with 45.7% of them taking eave in FY2023. We have also prepared a “Childcare Leave Handbook for Men” , which includes detailed explanations of the subsidy system to alleviate concerns about earning less when taking childcare leave, as well as explanations of the procedures from a male perspective and interviews with those who have taken long-term leave. We are also focusing on activities to promote a better understanding of child care leave, such as introducing cases of maternity/paternity leave in our company newsletter,and providing information to male employees who have a new child through the management system.
In June 2024, we received Eruboshi certification from the Labor Bureau after our implementation of initiatives to promote the advancement of women was found to meet the certification criteria.

Female officers (As of Mar. 31, 2024)
Number of Famale | Managers | Assistant Manager | |
Administrative positions | 97 | 5 | 22 |
Technical positions | 20 | 0 | 3 |
Technical staff | 63 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 180 | 5 | 25 |
* The numbers of managers and assistant managers are included in the number of female employees.
Communication between Labor and Management
Dialogue with Labor Unions
Regular monthly labor-management council meetings are held between strategic officers, including the president, and union officers to confirm the status of overtime and paid leave utilization, and we actively report and exchange opinions on employment stability, working conditions, health and safety, and the status of production and sales activities between labor and management to promote labor-management harmony. In addition, labor management roundtable meetings and production committee meetings are held in each business division. These meetings are forums for communication to ascertain the status of safety measures and other measures that have been put into practice, discussing issues for the betterment of the company, and consulting on any problems.