IoT Products

The company is sincerely advancing initiatives for social issues such as the SDGs, and is contributing to the resolution of social and customer issues through products and services that are safe and environmentally and people-friendly, using technologies that we have cultivated over many years.

We are grasping needs in a world where the environment has been changing rapidly recently, and developing a diversified business based on sensing and other technologies in which we specialize.
The combination of products, IoT and AI technologies provides valuable data consistently, not only through products but also through the web and apps, and contributes to the promotion of DX and the resolution of issues for customers.

We aim to be a sustainability company that can propose a more prosperous and secure future in new areas such as logistics, food, medical care and livestock farming, in addition to automobiles.

Providing new values for logistics solutions

Multi-sensing logger “e-WAVES”

A new logger looking ahead to the age when all data is “connected”

Demand for the monitoring of transportation and storage is increasing in a wide range of fields, including conformance with GDP*1 in the medical and pharmaceutical industries and HACCP*2 in the food industry, as well as cold-chain transportation, smart logistics and smart agriculture.
We want to contribute to a world in which products filled with the ideas of companies and producers are delivered properly and valued. Based on that idea, “e-WAVES” was born.
It is equipped with six sensors allowing it to meet diverse customer needs. Data can be confirmed in real time and it can operate as a standalone or integrated with the customer’s system. Exceeding the boundaries of a mere data logger, it contributes to customers’ IoT solutions.

For livestock farming that continues in the future

Cattle body condition monitoring system

We support sustainable livestock farming that gives people peace of mind and body.

The needs and challenges of the cattle industry include increased number of cattle per household, decreased productivity due to lower conception rates, and economic losses due to disease, illness, and accidents. To solve these issues, we have developed our new product of CAPSULE SENSE, a cattle body condition monitoring system that combines our sensing and AI analysis technologies.

AI analyzes sensing data from a sensor unit placed in the cattle's stomach to detect signs of changes in body condition.

This single device can detect all estrus, calving and disease, and by notifying your smartphone or tablet with a dedicated app, you can see the condition of the cow remotely at any time.
We support sustainable livestock farming that can balance both productivity and job satisfaction by using technology to prevent losses due to something overlooked.