[% basetag %] Integrated Report | IR | Pacific Industrial Co., Ltd.

Integrated Report

The Pacific Industrial Group has been publishing Sustainability Reports (previously called CSR Reports) since 2007 to enhance dialogue with more of our stakeholders toward building a sustainable society.

From 2023, in line with our group’s PURPOSE, mid-to-long-term business plan, and mid-term business plan, we decided to issue an integrated report that communicates our creation of value through integrated thinking.

We view this report as a tool to foster understanding of our value creation, conduct dialogue, and build trust among our stakeholders, including investors and other financial capital providers, as well as our employees, who play a key role in creating value for our company.

Please note that this report focuses on important information in line with the Mid-to-long-term Business Plan and Mid-term Business plan. Previous Sustainability Reports is disclosed in the form of a "Sustainability Data Book" to explain the progress of materiality about sustainability to stakeholders.

We look forward to hearing the candid opinions of all our stakeholders.

Integrated Report 2023 (Creating Tomorrow Report)

Period covered: FY2023 (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)